Below are optimal and consistent strats for all Any% NMG non-minion fights. "Optimal" here is subjective - for example sometimes speed is sacrificed for the sake of safety, or a negligible timesave is sacrificed for the sake of elegance. However, a lot of time was spent making the strats as good as possible for an RTA run done by a human.

Defined Combos and Notation

S = Sword
E = Elika
J = Jump
G = Gauntlet
' = Block/Parry/Cancel
; = Knock enemy into wall/ledge

B2 = EEJSSS (best dps unblockable combo)


X^y = X X X X ... X (y times), e.g. B2^3 = B2 B2 B2 = EEJSSS EEJSSS EEJSSS

_x = dash forward x times
. = wait
.. = move forward slightly
... = move forward a lot or until can no longer move

Optimal Fight Notes

These are designed to be viewed during the run. It is recommended to copy-and-paste them to a text editor like Notepad and have it opened throughout the run.

           Fight 2   SSSJSSS           _2
             Dad 1   SSJSSS 'SSSJSSS   _2
            Cavern   B2^5              _0
          Cauldron   JJ EGG;           _?  (parry if close)
       King's Gate   B2^5              _1..
 Construction Yard   GG;               _1
  Machinery Ground   B2^2 B2*          _2
         Reservoir   B2^3 B1 B2*       . _1...
             Dad 2   SSJSSS 'SSSJSSS   _2  (no spam)
      Sun Temple 1   B1 B2^2           . _1...
      Sun Temple 2   'JGJG;            _2...
    Martyrs' Tower   B1 B0 B2^5        _1..
Marshalling Ground   'B0 EGS;          _1...
         Windmills   B2 B0 B2^6        _1..
          Hunter 1   B2^2 B1           _1..
          Hunter 2   B2^2 B1           _0..
          Hunter 3   'B2^3             _2...
     Royal Gardens   B0^4 B1 B2^3      _0
       Royal Spire   B0^3 B1 B2^4      _0..
   Spire of Dreams   B1 B2^6           _0
   Coronation Hall   B2 B0 B2^6        _0...
       Concubine 1   B2^2 B1           _0...
       Concubine 2   B0^6              _0..  (down-right)
        [elika up]   B0^3 B2 B0        _0..
       Concubine 3   'B2^3             _?...
             Dad 3   'B1 B2 B2*        _?...  (judge parry)
    Heaven's Stair   'JGJG;            _1
       Alchemist 1   B1 ... B2^4       _0
       Alchemist 2   B1^2              _0
         Warrior 1   'JS;              _-?
      [black aura]   EJ' 'EEE;         _-?  (judge)
       [blue aura]   SJ' 'EEE;         _-?  (judge)
         Warrior 2                     _-?
             Dad 4   'B1 B2^5 B1       _2...

<aside> ‼️

Important: You should read the guide on Chaining Combos & Aura Avoidance to be able to execute these fights!



Moreover each of the above fights has an accompanying video, so that you can see the notation in action. Each video also contains more details in the description, including tips and tricks for the runner, as well as strat-hunting notes such as rationale behind the strat. It is encouraged for a runner to watch all of the videos (they are very short) and skim through the descriptions. You should compare what you see in the video with the notation above to make sure that you understand it. Once you get used to this, doing it this way should be both easier and faster for most fights, compared to blindly spamming combos and hoping for good RNG.


To practise these fights, you can find the saves for each fight below which contain precisely the same conditions as every fight in a real NMG run.

Raw Data